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Problem Solving


Learn a practical, flexible approach to problem solving

Effective problem solving training involves a robust process and the right mindset…

We are all faced with problems — solving them effectively is an essential skill. In this problem solving training course you will learn a systematic process for problem solving; understanding and resolving them. The programme uses an overall ‘plan, do, review’ framework which helps you to learn quickly a range of simple but effective models. The tools introduced will help you to problem solve much more effectively.

This problem solving workshop introduces the unique ROSCAR™ step-by-step approach to problem solving and is ideal if:

  • You need to solve problems that need effective solutions.
  • Your organisation needs a robust, systematic approach to solving problems.
  • You need to be able to involve others in order to arrive at optimal solutions.

Key outcomes and benefits

This problem solving programme brings a robust approach to bear on real business challenges that can be used in all sectors of business.

Develop your problem solving skills – learn how to tackle any issue you are facing with a logical process.

Focus on the right problem – examine problems BEFORE trying to solve them to ensure that effort is spent appropriately.

Develop a range of options – learn different ways to develop and build viable options before selecting the ‘best’ one.

Save time – by understanding how to attack each problem; never again spend hours labouring over one problem.

Course Overview

Compact 1 day course

ROSCAR™ is the step-by-step problem solving process, developed by Illumine to provide an accessible approach to problem solving:

  • Is this the REAL problem – a lot of problem solving effort is wasted because it tries to solve the wrong problem. Taking the time to ensure the focus of your efforts is right is an essential first step.
  • The desired OUTCOME – where do you want to get to? What will the ideal solution look like?
  • SOURCING and generating options for solving the problem – where are the solutions and ideas going to come from? How will ideas be developed?
  • Evaluating options and making CHOICES – establish a range of ways of evaluating and selecting the ‘best’ solution to your problem.
  • Taking ACTION – deciding what action to take is important, but so is making sure that you have thought of everything before committing yourself.
  • REVIEWING success and learning – problem solving should be a process that improves over time. Reviewing what has and hasn’t worked is an essential last step so that you can continually refine your approach to problem solving.
  • Action Planning – a chance to think about the skills you have learnt and how to apply them in your own setting.